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Defaults, Amendments and The Trouble with Coding Errors on Scheduled Procedures

Here are some videos addressing some concerns or questions you may have about OpNote:

Speed of OpNote:

Once defaults are satisfactorily set up, users will find it's faster to create and sign out a finished report than with dictation and transcription. Again - the report isn't finished until sign out, which OpNote provides immediately, thus allowing for faster reimbursement.

How to Create a Default From Scratch/How to Use the Defaults Page:

OpNote allows users to create default reports for their most common procedures and fill out the sections with the usual, appropriate responses. Users can then go in and make quick changes to reflect the unique aspects of each surgery and sign out in less time than it takes to dictate and transcribe the report.

Do Physicians Have to Use the Codes from the Scheduling System?

No - physicians can easily change the codes until it is to their satisfaction. mTuitive works with surgeons and coders to ensure that their defaults are coded appropriately and the selections by the user (the physician) supersedes any put in by the scheduling system. Also the synoptic format of OpNote reports allows for easier coding process, as each aspect of the procedure is identifiable and not lost amongst any unnecessary text.

Can Other People Initiate Amendments on Signed Out OpNotes?

Yes - coders, billers and administrators can initiated an amendment on the report. It is still up to the surgeon to approve and sign out the amended report, but approved Surgery Center personnel can start the process. For any other questions please:

  1. Email us:

  2. Call us: 508.771.5800


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