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Introducing CAP eFRM: The Synoptic Report Solution for Pathology

mTuitive and College of American Pathologists (CAP) were collaborating on a new synoptic reporting product for pathologists. Since then, CAP eFRM (electronic Forms and Reporting Module) has debuted, with demonstrations at multiple industry shows and even adopted by a few healthcare facilities. CAP eFRM enables pathologists to quickly fill out CAP's electronic cancer checklists (eCCs) while remaining in compliance with the reporting requirements of CAP and the American College of Surgeons. By using CAP eFRM, facilities no longer have to worry about spending time, energy, and money on ensuring they are using the most up-to-date versions of the eCCs — CAP eFRM automatically and efficiently keeps them current with the most recent versions of every checklist.

But there are undoubtedly many questions about this solution. Hopefully, this post will clear those up.

1) Will it integrate to my AP system?

Most likely. CAP eFRM currently integrates with most anatomic pathology (or AP) systems out there. mTuitive has been working on interfaces between reporting and AP systems for over a decade, so we are well-versed in ensuring that our synoptic reporting solutions will work within your facility's system. The systems we know for certain they work with include:

MEDITECH Client Server





Cerner Millennium

Cerner Classic

2) Can it be used as a standalone?

Yes — for those pathologists who are not interested in integrating CAP eFRM with their systems, the solution still works to complete your required synoptic reports. Users are able to enter in the demographic/identifying details for each sample and then can save the report as they need to on a local machine.

3) What is the pricing model?

eFRM's pricing model is a recurring annual subscription fee based upon the number of pathologists using it at the facility. An additional, one-time interface fee that may apply depending on the system your facility is using.

4) Will eFRM help us meet the strict reporting standards of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer?

Yes. CAP eFRM enables your pathologists to meet the requirements of 90% of cancer reporting is using synoptic reporting format. Furthermore, CAP eFRM eliminates the need to maintain the various cancer checklists — we ensure that the most current checklists are in use by your facility, so you don't have to. All of the time and energy (and money) spent maintaining and updating the checklists can be freed up for more productive ends while your facility is assured to only be using the most accurate checklists available.

5) Is it easy to use?

Yes — CAP eFRM intuitively guides users through the required questions for each case on which they are reporting. The questions are straightforward and the choices for selection are either single choice, multiple choice, entering in a number, or writing in your answer. Intelligent logic branching within the report means that users only have to see questions that are relevant to their particular cases, while skipping over anything that doesn't pertain.

6) Is it easy to install?

Yes — mTuitive has had over a decade of experience installing reporting solutions in all manner of LIS, AP, EHR, and other health systems. With those many years of education, we are able to streamline the process to make sure that CAP eFRM is available to everyone at your facility who needs to be able to use it in a quick and easy fashion.


Any questions we didn't cover here? Would you like to see a demonstration of CAP eFRM or hear from current users? To learn more about CAP eFRM please visit this page on CAP's website, or contact us with any other questions you may have, including setting up a demo at your convenience.


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