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Microscopic Pathology Reporting That Goes Beyond Cancer

xPert for Pathology

Final Diagnosis

Professional associations have established requirements for cancer reports, but the standards for non-cancerous pathology reporting are less defined. mTuitive works diligently to ensure that non-cancerous reports adhere to the specific standards of your institution. mTuitive's xPert for Pathology - Final Diagnosis focuses on the microscopic and final diagnosis portions of a pathology report in order to create a standardized, efficient process.

mTuitive Knowledge Engineers, clients and partners are constantly developing new templates for synoptic reporting. With a projected 85% of all pathology reports dealing with non-cancerous cases, the addition of these templates to the xPert for Pathology solution extends all of the benefits (including the financial savings) to the majority of the pathologist's workflow.

Examples of other pathologic conditions included:

  1. Liver disease

  2. Hepatitis

  3. Kidney transplant rejection

  4. Clinical pathology interpretations

  5. Autopsy

Knowledge Engineering Community

Knowledge engineers are experts at constructing meaningful, useful and simplistic protocols. mTuitive trains members of your pathology department to become knowledge engineers using the Agile Author. Knowledge engineers break down the information passed on by their pathologists to create standard templates that comply with department reporting measures.

New templates are created every month by our community of Knowledge Engineers. When a new template is ready for use, it is placed in our online community where it can be shared with the rest of the Agile Author clients. Using our discussion forums, Agile Author users can share ideas and collaborate on development of templates for new standards. Advanced training and helpful tips are available as well.

User Interface

The standard offering for xPert for Pathology uses the xPert Client User Interface. Designed by mTuitive’s Human Factors division and tested with practicing pathologists, xPert Client is maximized to capture data quickly and efficiently while delivering appropriate expertise and decision assistance. Contact us to learn more about xPert for Pathology - Final Diagnosis


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