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Peer Review and Staff Management Automation

Peer Review

Lab QA, Peer Review and OPPE/FPPE should be an automated, integral part of your process and much more than reporting…. without added effort.

Working with your LIS to automatically identify, assigning cases, gathering meaningful details, improving quality while maintaining compliance with OPPE / FPPE reviews. Dramatically enhance your ability to provide accurate and timely diagnoses in support of clinical decisions, reducing risks while automating most of your QA and inspection reports.

Key Features:

  1. Monitors pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic variables that contribute to diagnostic errors

  2. Triggers automatic peer-review identifying potential QA to be performed from your LIS

  3. Provides reports necessary of ongoing process improvement and CAP / TJC Inspections

  4. Full pathology staff management features reduce administrative overhead

  5. Automates the OPPE and FPPE mandated processes leveraging excluded, vetted and weighted data

  6. Reduces time performing/analyzing QA … Minutes/day, can work within your LIS environment

  7. Increases QA metrics/details … Helpful data to improve patient safety and identify bottlenecks

  8. Automates the process … Guides your staff through QA and Peer Review

  9. Eliminates painful QA analysis crunch … No need to submit periodic QA analysis or inspection data

  10. Integrates with your LIS … No redundant data entry

  11. Central QA repository … One location for all QA reporting, dashboards and alerts

Monitors Quality Indicators examples:

  1. Intraoperative Cases (e.g. Frozen/permanent section concordance and TAT)

  2. Intradepartmental reviews (e.g. First time diagnoses of malignancy)

  3. Extramural (Inter-institutional) reviews

  4. Cyto-Surgical Pathology Correlation (e.g. Concordance of FNA to surgical specimen)

  5. Technical and Gross dissection quality of histologic and cytologic preparation

  6. Amended report review e.g. Amended / appended cases

  7. TAT (e.g. By part type with automated exclusions)

  8. Autopsy (e.g. Report adequacy and turnaround time)

  9. Support for new staff and Residents

  10. Advanced LIS Search for ad hoc analysis

Process Automation:

Deficiencies associated with quality indicators are automatically identified and reviewing pathologist are alerted to subcategorize the type of diagnostic error/deficiency

To the extent possible, the application assesses the clinical impact on patient care taking into account the relative risks by time at the time of discovery

Discrepancies between pathologists can be promoted for director review

Digital images can be automatically surfaced in the LIS and the QA case report

Configurable Benchmarks and Indicators:

These default standards have been chosen based upon recommendations from CAP, TJC and can be adjusted:

  1. Frozen / Permanent Section Correlation – e.g. <3% discordance for cases associated with clinical significance to patient mgmt

  2. Interdepartmental review of first time diagnosis of malignancy - e.g. <2% discordance of cases associated with significance

  3. Extramural – e.g. <2% discordance for cases associated with clinical significance to patient management

  4. Cyto–surgical pathology correlation - e.g. <2% discordance for cases associated with significance

  5. Amended report review - e.g. <2% discordance for cases associated with clinical significance

  6. Report turnaround time (surgical pathology and cytopathology) - e.g. 80% of cases signed out within 2 working days, 95% of cases signed out within 5 working days

  7. Other user-defined measures with self-administered configuration and exclusions processing

Staff Management:

Dashboard status of green, amber and red lights to highlight issues so you can manage-by-exception. Functional sorting of the staff issues that are important for your specific needs for proactive management. Includes over 80 parameters including:

  1. Employee service type and licensing with location and authorized function matrix

  2. Employment contract details, anniversary, renewals

  3. Continuing education credits

  4. Degrees and supporting documentation including diplomas, transcripts, certificates, etc.

  5. Background, contact information

  6. Review Dates: last, next with supervisor(s) process automation

  7. Document attachments and general comments


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