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Unsolicited Feedback: Happy Pathology Synoptic Report Users

A new customer recently sent us the following feedback on his experiences with implementing mTuitive's pathology solution. With his permission, it's reprinted below:

It’s been almost 2 months since Markham Stouffville Hospital went live with the Meditech Orders to mTuitive interface. The saying is right, that “No news is good news”. The orders interface has been a resounding success, both from an IT perspective and a user perspective. There has not been a single issue with the actual interface between Meditech and mTuitive. Complaints by the pathologists have dropped to zero. We would like to take this opportunity to thank mTuitive for agreeing to develop the orders interface in conjunction with MSH. The interface replaces a very “clunky” solution for linking Meditech and mTuitive. The interface is a real plus for the pathologists and the hospital. The user interface is simple and streamlined. Pathologist training took literally minutes, and as noted previously, there have been virtually zero complaints. Remote reporting using Citrix is also working well, which had not been possible previously. We would strongly recommend any new customer, or any Meditech 6.0 conversion site, purchase both the HL7 orders and results interfaces. Again, thank you for supporting our efforts to improve the technical and business processes related to pathology synoptic reporting. And congratulations on a development job well done. Rick Lambert Systems Integration Consultant Markham Stouffville Hospital

Want to learn more about the products Rick and the rest of Markham Stouffville Hospital are enjoying? Contact us today!

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